Jeff Varasano at Pizza Expo, Extreme Pizza Secrets

Albert Grande and Jeff Varasano at Pizza Expo

Albert Grande and Jeff Varasano at Pizza Expo

Jeff Varasano, is a master pizza maker as well as a Legendary Pizzaiolo.

His exploits have been reported in a variety of print media, broadcast media and of course the Internet.

As a matter of fact you can read about his exploits in the New York Times article, here: A New York Expatriate’s Magnificent Obsession: Pizza

As stated in the article, Jeff was on a quest to recreate pizza in his home oven as good as he had at Pizzerias in New York. He devised a trick to be able to manipulate his oven to get to extreme temperatures. He had a realization on how to accomplish this. As was reported in the Times:

“That epiphany,” … “allowed Mr. Varasano to finally produce a pizza as good as he would get in New York. He took a photo of that pie and posted an account, with mad-scientist specificity, of his six years of experiments with flours, mixing techniques, yeast cultures, canned tomatoes, cheeses and oven temperatures.

I was able to sit down with Jeff at Pizza Expo in Las Vegas and asked him to explain how he got started with creating pizza and his new direction in pizza.

Jeff was elaborated on his process and gives lots of great tips on how to create spectacular pizza. Of note is the fact that Jeff has now opened an extremely successful pizzeria in the Atlanta area named aptly: Varasano’s Pizzeria.

He was able to take the idea of pizza and perfect it for his own tastes. He researched first hand some of the best pizzerias in the country. He was able to discover the common elements which take pizza from being simply good pizza to great pizza. Jeff does not promote the changing of your oven settings unless you know what you are doing. He gives some very practical tips. And he explains he destroyed numerous ovens in the process, including shattering the glass on the front of a number of ovens.


You can listen (or download if you wish,) a complete audio of the interview with Jeff Varasano below:



You can experience, Jeff’s vision of pizza, here:

Varasano’s Pizzeria
2171 Peachtree Rd NE,
Atlanta, GA 30309

(404) 352-8216

Jeff’s pizza adventures are now limited to a commercial pizza oven in his own pizzeria. He also states that he has now franchised the entire process making his restaurant concept available to the would be pizzeria owner. The restrictions are very strict and you must adhere to the franchise agreement. you can out more about franchising a Varasano’s Pizzeria, here.



For more info, search here:

If you are interested in the Pizza Business, we recommended the following resources:

How to Open a Financially Successful Pizza & Sub Restaurant

And this book from our friend Michael Sheppard:

Growing Pizza: How to Plant the Seeds to a Successful Pizzeria

Antimo Caputo Interview: Caputo 00 Best Pizza Flour

Antimo Caputo and Albert Grande

Antimo Caputo and Albert Grande

I had the honor of meeting Antimo Caputo at the International Pizza Expo, in Las Vegas.
As soon as we started to talk I knew I had to interview him. The company brought a number of master pizzailo from Italy. For the 3 days of the Pizza Expo, these master pizza makers made pizza after pizza. Each pizza was lovingly crafted by hand and made with Caputo Flour. This comapny was so serious about making amazing pizza they brought over a special Caputo oven.

His family has been in the flour business for several generations. Antimo explained that his pizza is known all over the world due to the fact they are specialists. Caputpo is used by the best pizzerias in the world due to the quality of the flour. He stated that Caputo only uses the best Italian and European wheat. This gives a very good taste to the pizza. Pizza can be very simple but with great ingredients and great flour, you get great pizza.

Antimo contends “the secret is in the philosophy, the secret is in the simplicity.” That is the real secret to incredible pizza flour.

Antimo was adamant that the wheat used and the grinding method is what made Caputo so special. There is a slow grinding process that does not damage the protein in the wheat. The best whaet possible is what continues to make the flour so special.”

You can purchase Antimo Caputo Pizzeria Flour, 55 Pound, by clicking on the link.


You can listen to this interview (or download it if you wish) click below:


Antimo Caputo Interview by Legends of Pizza


Discover Antimo Caputo “00” Chefs Flour 1 Kilo (2.2lb) Bags Pack of 4

For more reviews of Caputo Flour Click HERE, Pizza Therapy Reviews Caputo Flour.

In Las Vegas for Pizza Expo

International Pizza Expo 2013

International Pizza Expo 2013

Coming to Las Vegas for the Pizza Expo, brings back wonderful memories. The pizza, the products, and the people. There are some fascinating people here. The Pizza Expo is a wonderful celebration about pizza and the pizza business. While there are a number of workshop and events, there are also hands on pizza tasting, pizza making, pizza judging and pizza tossing. Make no mistake, Pizza Expo is aimed at the pizza professional.

Estimates are of crowds of over 7,000 attendees. The gathering is made up of pizza pros and those who support the professional pizza business. There are different types of flour, pizza ovens, all manner of pizza toppings, cheeses, pizza hardware and pizza software. If it is pizza business related, even remotely, you will find that item or service at the pizza Expo. From various bakeware,  to pizza ovens,  kitchen magnets, and pizza peppers.if you want it, you got it.

One of the very coolest additions to this years Pizza  Expo is the official International Pizza App. You can find out more about it at the official Pizza Expo Website.

Last time I was here I got to meet some amazing pizzaiolo. The Italian Crew was a personal high-light. This was an amazing crew of some the best pizza makers on the planet. They were sharing there wisdom, their expertise and their energy.

I learned some great dough techniques during my last visit. I discovered the gentle, yet firm touch of the master pizza maker. He was able to shape the dough into finished pizza shape with a few slaps and pulls.

Yes there were some dangerous pizza creatures:

For me the best part of the whole experience are the stories and tales about pizza and those who lovingly make pizza. Meeting Jonathan Goldsmith of Spaca Napoli was one of the most rewarding experiences. Jonathan is not only a gentle pizza spirit who is truly honored when you eat his pizza, but also a social activist, who creates significant change through his business.

Roberto Caporuscio of Keste Pizza and Vino in New York was there. He gave a lot of positive energy to the pizza making crew from Naples. As a matter of fact some of the pizza masters from Naples showed Roberto how to make pizza!

And what can I say about spending time with John Arena. John and his Cousin Sam founded Metro Pizza in Las Vegas. (FYI: you can see a video tribute I did for Metro Pizza, here.)

John is a pizza master who has taken it upon himself to be a pizza advocate to spread the joys, wisdom and enlightenment of making pizza. And yes I did say enlightenment. Making pizza is truly a spiritual experience.

John Arena, discusses pizza

John Arena, discusses pizza

I hope to keep you, updated on all the latest info of the 2013 International Pizza Expo

So stay tuned….

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