Antimo Caputo, The Philosophy of Pizza

Antimo Caputo comes from a long line of  pizza flour makers. Antimo Caputo Pizzeria Flour is used by the finest pizza makers in the world.

He supports the concept that making pizza is truly an art form.

“Pizza is not just a plate”” he explains, rather “pizza is a expression of cultural philosophy. The pizza maker is an artist….The pizzaiolo is an ambassador of pizza.”

Pizza is a story as well he suggests. Antimo wants to share the joy of making pizza with the rest of the world.



In the following interview Antimo discusses  his love of pizza and why he brought the most amazing pizzaioli in the world to Pizza Expo….



For a long time the only way to purchase Caputo flour was through a food distributor. Now you can get it by clicking on the link: Antimo Caputo Pizzeria Flour, 55 Pound