Pizza Expo, Las Vegas Pizza Expo

The International Pzza Expo, held in Las Vegas each year is a showcase of pizza products and distributors. More importantly it draws some of the best pizza makers in the planet at one time in one place.

The list of amazing Pizza Makers is a veritable who’s who in the world of pizza. You can find Tony Gemignani, Domenico Crolla, Roberto Corporuscio, and Don Antonio Starita. The fact that you can meet and chat with these legends of pizza is truly extraordinary. Each was very approachable and willing to share pizza secrets as well as thoughts on the pizza business.

This video captures some of these moments as it unfolded. I chose to use the slideshow technique to give a feel, taste and smell so you can bombard your senses and feel the moment.

This video was shot on the last day of the Expo. Pizza was being made everywhere. The tastes of these pizzas were as varied as the pizza masters themselves.

You can see more Pizza Expo Videos, here.

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