Legends of Pizza Volume 3: The Lost Evelyn Sloman Interviews Part 3

The Legends of Pizza Volume 3 is a series of interviews done with master pizzaiolo, Evelyn Sloman. These interviews contain a wealth of knowledge, pizza history and pizza passion.

 Evelyn learned to make pizza while growing up in New York. The Tontonno’s and Lombardi’s operated legendary Pizzerias in New York and Evelyn was able to learn from these masters.

You will discover Evelyn’s insights and secrets about pizza including:

  • A review of the Lombardi Method
  • How the master used measurement for their pizza
  • The Artisan Bread movement and pizza
  • The importance of fermentation in pizza
  • How Evelyn learned to rule the dough
  • The one key ingredient for pizza
  • High gluten or not high gluten flour…
  • The use of flour in pizza
  • The best tomatoes to use for pizza
  • Why Evelyn’s recipe gets better and better

Thank you so much Evelyn for this incredible knowledge.

This episode of Legends of Pizza, Volume 3, is brought to you by the Pizza Therapy Pizza Book.

 Make pizza Be Happy,


Listen Below:
Just Press the Play Button

Legends of Pizza Volume 3, Evelyn Sloman, Part 2

This is part 2 of Legends of Pizza, Volume 3

  • Evelyn discusses how pizza came to the United States

  • She explains how she gained her knowledge about how to make pizza

  •  Who was the very first pizzaiolo in the United States

  • Why bread baking is closely related to pizza making

  • How U.S. pizza is different from Italian pizza

  • What is the "Lombardi Formula"

  • What did Evelyn learn from the Jerry Totonno and Jerry Lombardi

  • How the skill of pizza making "flowed out of Lombardi’s and Totonno’s fingers"

  • How to "listen to the dough"

  • Why the Italians give their dough a "rest"

Legends of Pizza, Volume 3: Evelyn Sloman

I’m very excited to share with you Part of Legends of Pizza Volume 3 Part 1.

These interviews were conducted a while ago. I had started to edit them and was ready to release Legends of Pizza Volume 3.

I was very excited about all of the knowledge that Evelyn brought to the world of pizza.

Then disaster struck: my hard drive crashed, leaving me with nothing but digital dust of an incredible conversation with Evelyn Sloman.

Recently after spending hundreds of dollars, I was able to recover most of the files from my hard drive. Luckily, I could save parts of the original mp3’s of the Evelyn Sloman interview

 I was able to piece together parts of the interview and hope to release the rest of Legends of Pizza Volume 3.