Legends of Pizza Volume 3, Evelyn Sloman, Part 2

This is part 2 of Legends of Pizza, Volume 3

  • Evelyn discusses how pizza came to the United States

  • She explains how she gained her knowledge about how to make pizza

  •  Who was the very first pizzaiolo in the United States

  • Why bread baking is closely related to pizza making

  • How U.S. pizza is different from Italian pizza

  • What is the "Lombardi Formula"

  • What did Evelyn learn from the Jerry Totonno and Jerry Lombardi

  • How the skill of pizza making "flowed out of Lombardi’s and Totonno’s fingers"

  • How to "listen to the dough"

  • Why the Italians give their dough a "rest"

One thought on “Legends of Pizza Volume 3, Evelyn Sloman, Part 2

  1. Great blog Al. Evelyn provides a terrific history of pizza in America.
    The first pizza in America description makes me think of when my mom made spaghetti sauce we would take a slice of bread and spoon sauce onto the bread. It was simply delicious.
    Oh yeah, love the pizza boogaloo music.

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