At Pizza Expo Get on The Pizza Bus with Scott Wiener

“It’s Scott’s Las Vegas Pizza Tour. You know, Scott. Scott Wiener of Scott’s Pizza Tours in New York. This year he’s hosting a pizza tour of three incredible pizzerias in Las Vegas.”

Pizza Expo Las Vegas Convention Center

Pizza Expo Las Vegas Convention Center

“Yeah that’s the guy. Well this year at Pizza Expo he’s hosting an exclusive tour of three amazing pizzerias in Las Vegas. He’s featuring Pizza Rock, hosted by co-owner Tony Gemignani), Pizza Metro (hosted by Pizza Guy and co-owner John Arena) and 800 Degrees (hosted by c0-owner Anthony Carron).

Scott Wiener of Scott's New York Pizza Tours

Scott Wiener of Scott’s New York Pizza Tours

This will be an incredible tour for any pizzeria fan or owner who wants to get an inside look at three very successful pizzerias in Las Vegas. You will be able to get a behind the scenes look at what makes these master pizza makers a success. You will have plenty of time to get any question you may have answered. If you are going to Pizza Expo this is a must go to event!

You need to be a registered attendee at Pizza Expo to go. You’ll have a total pizza experience at all three locations. You can ask questions, and schmooze with some of the greatest pizza makers in the world…and between stops Scott will be hosting a pizza seminar on wheels! I can’t wait.
Bus departs the Las Vegas convention center on Tuesday March 28th at 5:30 sharp and lasts until 9:30. So for Scott’s guided pizza tour. You are either on the bus or off the bus…what are you going to do?”

“Thanks for the scoops Bongo. I’m going Pizza Expo. So I’m ready…How do I sign up”

Scott's Las Vegas Pizza Tour

Scott’s Las Vegas Pizza Tour





“Just to go the the website: pizza look for events and scroll down to Scott’s Pizza Tour… sign up there…”

Sign up at this link: Scott’s Las Vegas Pizza Tour