The World Pizza Champions Are Legends of Pizza

World Pizza Champions

The World Pizza Champions are a team no like no other.

They are dedicated pizza professionals who are a mission to spread the word about pizza. They are dedicated. The are talented. And they are all about making fun while they make pizza.

They all come from differnet backgrounds and experiences. They each have their own individual strnegths. But together as a team they maky synergy happen.

That is the strength of the team is greater than each individual part. You gotta love America’s Pizza Team.

They are:

  • Tony Gemignani & Ken Bryant of Pyzano’s Pizzeria in Castro Valley, CA;
  • Michael Shepherd of Michael Angelo’s Pizza in Kenton & Rushsylvania, Ohio;
  •  Joe Carlucci of NY ;
  • Siler Chapman of Donato’s Pizzeria in SC and
  • Sean Brauser of Romeo’s Pizza in Medina, OH.

You can learn all about the latest of the World Pizza Champions at their website.

Each member has earned the highest awards in several different categories in the pizza industry, Food Network, and Tony Gemignani & Joe Carlucci are inducted into the Guiness Book of World Records.

They are considered by many pizza operators worldwide as professionals and pioneers.

Each member is a pizzaiolo in his own right. Each member owns a pizzeria, where they have honed their craft, reaching pizza perfection.

Make sure you check them out to see if they will be on tour in a city near you.

each member of the team is a true Legend of Pizza.

pizza on Earth,
to the Pizza Champions,


P.S. You can grab a copy of Tony G.’s new book all about The World Pizza Chamions right here: