How Scott’s Pizza Tours Started

When you are with Scott Weiner you are in the presence of a dynamo. A dynamo of pizza history, pizza knowledge, and pizza passion.

The following video gives you a taste of the tour. From the minute the Pizza Tour starts you are in a whirl wind of energy and pure pizza stories.

The beginnning of the video shows Scott’s style as he discusses various pizzas you will be sampling on the tour. The video was recorded  at Lombardi’s in New York. Opened in 1905, Lombardi’s is the true birthplace of pizza in the United States.

The second part of the video is a one  on one interview with Scott as he explains how he got into the pizza tour business.

It was actually quite by accident. He started by taking friends of his on tours of New York. Soon this started to be quite a habit.

Here’s the video:



 Visit Scott’s Pizza Tours, here.


Scott's Pizza Tours