Una Pizza Napoletana Closes, for Now

Anthony Mangieri of Una Pizza, Napoletana.







Famed Pizzaiolo Anthony Mangeri on right.

The pizza world is in a state of shock: Una Pizza Napoletana has closed. There has been much speculation as to why.

Famed pizzaiolo and Legend of Pizza, Anthony Mangieri, recently explained at his website:


Thank you to everyone who has supported us over all these years.

I’ve closed Una Pizza Napoletana in Manhattan and am taking some time off.

After some time away, I’ll decide where Una Pizza Napoletana will re-open.

Stay tuned friends.

Anthony Mangieri”

Adam Kuban od Slice  asked Mangieri directly.  Here is his response:

“I’ve been working making bread and pizza, first in Jersey, then in New York City, since 1993, and though I loved doing both things in both places, I am going to take a little break,” Mangieri said. “I’m scared and excited all at the same time. I know a lot of people think I’m crazy and stupid for doing this now. But it kind of makes sense for me at this moment.”

You can read a review of Una Pizza Napoletana at the Pizza Therapy Pizza Blog.

The New York Times reported the closing, calling Una Pizza, the most meticulous pizzeria in New York. Here is the story.


Thanks so much, Anthony. We all wish you luck in your next pizza adventure.

albert grande
Pizza Therapy