Secrets from Inside the Pizzeria the Interview

Secrets from Inside the Pizzeria


Secrets from Inside the Pizzeria is a video guide of step by step instructions on how to make pizza.

Bev Collins is an unusual pizza master. First she never had pizza until she was sixteen. Next her first pizzas were out of the box kits. Not something you would expect from a pizza expert.

You can listen to an  interview with Bev at the end of this post

 Her passion for baking soon became evident. She had many life adventures and a number of professional experiences.

Her invlovement with pizza continued to grow. She became involved with a National Pizza Chain, working in their research and development section.

She was forced to learn the inside tricks of making pizza.

She shares this knowledge in her video tutorial, Secrets Inside the Pizzeria. You can get your own copy at at this link.

I have a copy and I like it. It gives some great tips on creating pizza.

  • Bev explains the best pizza stone
  • She gives great tips about what kind of flour to use
  • Where to find the right flour
  • Cheese blends you can use
  • Excellent step by step directions to make dough
  • Some inside tips on why your dough needs to be cold
  • Why you need to proof your pizza

And you can claim your copy of Secrets from Inside the Pizzeria here.

Listen to the Bev Collins interview, below: