Artisan Bread Making with Peter Reinhart

This post is a review of Peter Reinhart’s Class:Artisan Bread Making

Peter Reinhart is a master bread maker. He is a James Beard Award Winner and an educator. He is a faculty member at Johnson and Wales Culinary School. Peter travels the World demonstrating his mastery of breads and pizza.  He has been featured at various events around the country. He has been featured at Google discussing bread. Check it out here: Peter Reinhart: “Peter Reinhart’s Whole Grain Breads” | Food at Google He has also been a presenter at Ted Talks. Here is Peter’s lecture.

Peter has come out with a course called Artisan Bread Making, which has changed the way I created bread as well as pizza. The techniques are easy and simple to master.

The course has changed the way I make bread as well as pizza. The simple step of using a small amount of olive oil when you knead you bread (and pizza) is nothing short of miraculous. A light bulb went off in my head when I discovered this simple yet effective bread technique..

Peter Reinhart eats pizza.

Peter Reinhart eats pizza.

In this video course Peter takes you step by step into the bread making process. The first part of the course is an introduction to the course. Peter introduces himself and talks about some of the concepts involved in bread making.  He starts by explaining the 12 steps of bread making. The first section is an introduction to Peter and his bread making philosophy. This is a great foundation for all that follows. .

Peter explains simply and completely how to create artisan bread. This goes for the professional as well as the home baker.. All his explanations are done in a simple step by step demonstration as well as a description of why you should do each step. He discusses baking tools that will help you master the art of bread making. He explains the critical importance of using a scale for bakers percent’s, and explains this is the most accurate method of getting consistency in your final product. The breads are amazing. Here is a video review of the class:

Check out Peter’s Course here: Artisan Bread Making

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